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Good InfoMust-Have Travel App Offers Peace of Mind by Averting Any Crisis with...

Must-Have Travel App Offers Peace of Mind by Averting Any Crisis with Real-Time Advisories and Personal Response Team

When I was young, backpacking through Europe with my sister, we took a train into Paris completely unaware that the Seine had flooded the city, and the train workers were on strike.

Most travelers lack immediate access to travel intelligence information or communication capabilities that may be critical in the event of a travel, medical, or security emergency, and for that reason, the Global Rescue Intelligence Delivery system app (GRID 2.0.) is winning awards.

Global Rescue is the undisputed world leader in providing medical, security, evacuation, and travel risk-management services for business or charity workers—and even young backpackers.

A membership with Global Rescue means you have the ultimate red button to press in case of an emergency—whether that’s a broken leg on a remote mountaintop, or being stranded by a natural disaster. Global Rescue’s staff of military veterans, paramedics, intelligence experts, and translators are on standby to help at all times, whether that’s a telehealth diagnosis or an emergency field evacuation.

And it’s all covered under the same membership cost, without co-pays, without deductibles, without coverage networks, and without claim forms.

Also included in the membership is the GRID 2.0 app, not available on Apple or Google Play, which distributes targeted notifications and alerts to individuals who could be impacted by events including civil unrest, disease-related developments, safety issues, transportation disruptions, communications blackouts, and natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanic activity.

For a concerned parent, the membership not only gives unparalleled protection for a charge far from home, but also the ultimate way to keep track of their journey and minimize risk.

“It is the world’s only integrated medical and security mobile app for travel risk, asset tracking, intelligence delivery, and crisis response management. Last year more than a million targeted event alerts were distributed to individuals who could be affected by more than 10,000 global events reported,” said Dan Richards, CEO of Global Rescue.

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The GRID 2.0 system is comprised of two parts to reduce traveler risk. The Individual Traveler Mobile App and the Desktop Administrator Control Center work together to help individuals, organizations, companies, and universities protect, track, and communicate with remote travelers, employees, and students.

credit – Global Rescue, screengrab

Travelers using the GRID 2.0 Individual Traveler Mobile App can research medical and security risks by destination, obtain automatic Destination Reports, receive active security alerts including analysis and advice, connect for GPS “check-ins” with real-time location tracking, and stay in touch with in-app communications both internally and with Global Rescue, making it the ultimate choice for traveling in unstable regions or nations.

Back at home, headquarters, or wherever the traveler is striking out from, those using the Desktop Administrator Control Center can keep in contact with individual app users, keep watch on their locations, monitor real-time global threats and analysis with Event Alerts, and get comprehensive assessments of global risks that might affect app users 24/7/365.

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“In an emergency, the GRID 2.0 app puts its users in immediate contact with the medical teams and military special operations veterans who staff Global Rescue’s Global Operations Centers,” said Harding Bush, associate director for Global Rescue security operations.

A membership to Global Rescue that includes the app starts at $319 for one year of unparalleled security and risk management.

Global Rescue was added to Fast Company’s prestigious list of the World’s Most Innovative Companies of 2024 as a result of the successful launch of GIRD 2.0. Over 2,000 NGOs, tour companies, and government agencies use Global Rescue to secure their overseas travel.

Over 1 million private individuals use Global Rescue, which having just entered its 20th year of business, has conducted just over 25,000 operations, including evacuations and rescues during some of the world’s most challenging crises.

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